Current courses

Naše kurzy

Course Title Start Date Finish date Price Apply Online
Visceral manipulation 3 - in PRAGUE Thursday 14.11.2024 Sunday 17.11.2024 20000 CZK per person

The instructor: Pierre Vey, DO (French osteopath)

In VM3 course you will study the models and theories of functional biomechanics as viewed from Barral's innovative approach.

The course will be taken in English with Czech translation!

For other information, please, click on „Our courses“ and „Useful informations“.

Meeting side: Prague 5 -

The price: 20.000 Czech crowns (CZK).
There are useful information for your bank transfer to abroad:
IBAN: CZ2820100000002401125460
Address of the bank:
Fio banka a.s., V Celnici 1028/10, 117 21 Prague 1, Czech Republic
The name and address of the bank account owner:
Helena Toušková, Na Rokytce 1114/10, 180 00 Prague 8, Czech Republic

We offer the following discounts - VM (Visceral Manipulation) courses:
* Unlimited time discount (18.000 CZK) for students who repeat VM courses.
* Time-limited discount (19.000 CZK) - for the payment of 2 VM courses in 2024.
* Time-limited discount (18.000 CZK) - for the payment of 3 VM courses in 2024.

Time-limited discounts are offered for payments up to 29.2.2024.
 If you are interested, please complete and submit the application form below. In the notes section of the application form, please write that you are repeating the course!!! 

Cancellation fees for 2024:
The course fees for November classes must be paid in full until 30.9.2024. After these dates the course fee is subjected to 100% cancellation of pre-paid and ordered services.
 As a substitute to the each participant (in the terms of 100% cancellation) can be offered a place at the next event date according to the maximum capacity of the participants. The invoice will be sent to you by e-mail only after completing the application form below.

The organizer of the educational event may postpone the date of the educational event and take place in an alternative date (no later than 12 months from the originally scheduled date). The implementation of the course in the alternative date of performance applies to the following reasons - the state of emergency, closure of the borders of the Czech Republic and medical reasons confirmed by a doctor's certificate.

The price of the study guide is included.

The price does not include accommodation, meals and travel costs.

Location: Prague
Capacity: 16 of 16

More about the course

Visceral Manipulation: The Pelvis (VM3) studies the relationship between functional and structural mechanics of the pelvis.

Course Highlights:
Learn to identify, receive and conduct Jean-Pierre Barral's method of evaluation and treatment for the organ systems of the pelvic cavity, including the integration of the pelvic organs with the complex ligament systems of that body region.
Discover techniques for differentiating between somatic and visceral causes for pelvic and low back problems.
Discover how to integrate the pelvic organs functional movement patterns.
Explore additional principles of direct and indirect approaches and their appropriate applications.
Integrate the pelvis into the body with principles of Lines of Tension and Interrelationships.

Pre-requisite Workshop(s):
Visceral Manipulation: Abdomen 2 (VM2)

Advance Preparation:
To prepare for the course we suggest that you read Urogential Manipulation, and Manual Therapy for the Prostate by Jean Pierre Barral and review:

Logistic information for this course

The useful information for Visceral and Neural manipulation courses in Prague and Bratislava 2024:

The PDF FLYER (the address of meeting sides, schedule etc.) you can download in English here

The place of the meeting side:

Courses will be taken in Prague and Bratislava.

The address and direction to the meeting side in Prague:
NZZ FYZIOTERAPIE, Kudrnova 95/22, 150 00 Prague 5 - Motol (

Landmarks of the rehabilitation center:
South gate to the Prague´s hospital Motol.
Bus stop "Kudrnova" - n. 167
Yellow corner house with the sign "LÉKARNA" - I. floor.

Transport to the meeting side in Prague:
The map and transport possibilities in Czech language - download here in Czech language.
How to go by walk from the subway - line A "Nemocnice Motol" to the Kudrnova street? -
download here.

: n. 167 – the bus station “Kudrnova”.

Trams: n. 9, 10 and 16 – the tram station “HOTEL GOLF”
Underground: line A (“Nemocnice Motol”) or line B ("Anděl")

The lodging nearby our meeting side in Prague 5: download here

The address of the meeting side in Bratislava:
All logistic information about the meeting side in Bratislava will be sent 2 monts prior the course.


Wear loose, comfortable clothing (preferably no jeans).
It is not allowed to use your camera during our courses.
Your own voice recorder is allowed to use.

The payment options and bank details will be sent after you fill the application form: Educational center - Upcoming courses.

You payment covers your traning, the study guide, small refreshment (water/tea/fruits) during each day. WIFI is for free.

Listening 1 course - in PRAGUE Monday 07.04.2025 Wednesday 09.04.2025 20000 CZK per person

The instructor: Pierre Vey, DO (French osteopath)

Listening 1 course is designed to reinforce powerful "listening" palpation skills in manual techniques sp. Visceral and Neural manipulation and Craniosacral therapy.

The course will be taught in English with Czech translation.

For other information, please, click on „Our courses“ and „Useful informations“. The other information (schedule etc.) will be sent to your E-mail after sending your application form to us.

Meeting side: Prague 5 -

The price: 20.000 Czech crowns
There are useful information for your bank transfer to abroad:
IBAN: CZ2820100000002401125460
Address of the bank:
Fio banka a.s., V Celnici 1028/10, 117 21 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Address of the bank account owner:
Helena Toušková, Na Rokytce 1114/10, 180 00 Prague 8, Czech Republic

Course fee payments will be accepted from January 2025, but you can already complete and submit the application form below! 

Cancellation fees for 2025:
The course fees for April classes are accepted in full until 28.2.2025. After these dates the course fee is subjected to 100% cancellation of pre-paid and ordered services.
 As a substitute to the each participant (in the terms of 100% cancellation) can be offered a place at the next event date according to the maximum capacity of the participants. The invoice will be sent to you by e-mail only after completing the application form below.

The organizer of the educational event may postpone the date of the educational event and take place in an alternative date (no later than 12 months from the originally scheduled date). The implementation of the course in the alternative date of performance applies to the following reasons - the state of emergency, closure of the borders of the Czech Republic and medical reasons confirmed by a doctor's certificate.

The price of the study guide is included.

The price does not include accommodation, meals and travel costs.

Location: Prague
Capacity: 16 of 16

More about the course

Listening techniques 1 - diagnostic course for VM and CST practitioners

Synopsis: LT1 is designed to reinforce powerful "listening" skills.

Course Highlights:

  • Discover a new "listening skills" (palpation procedure) that helps guide you to the proper manipulation site.
  • Learn to interpret the information the body is offering regarding imbalances and dysfunctions.
  • Explore through listening how to determine which body structures are involved, and identify the best approach for treatment results.
  • Practice listening to the body systems, as they respond to your treatments.
  • Learn to identify the correct approach and amount of force when working on different parts of the body and with different clients.

VM1 (Visceral Manipulation), or VMIA (Visceral Manipulation IA), or NM1 (Neuromeningeal Manipulation), or CSI (CranioSacral Therapy I), or LDTI (Lymph Drainage Therapy 1) or MLI (Mechanical Link I).

Required Advance Reading:

Logistic information for this course

The useful information for Visceral and Neural manipulation courses in Prague and Bratislava 2024:

The PDF FLYER (the address of meeting sides, schedule etc.) you can download in English here

The place of the meeting side:

Courses will be taken in Prague and Bratislava.

The address and direction to the meeting side in Prague:
NZZ FYZIOTERAPIE, Kudrnova 95/22, 150 00 Prague 5 - Motol (

Landmarks of the rehabilitation center:
South gate to the Prague´s hospital Motol.
Bus stop "Kudrnova" - n. 167
Yellow corner house with the sign "LÉKARNA" - I. floor.

Transport to the meeting side in Prague:
The map and transport possibilities in Czech language - download here in Czech language.
How to go by walk from the subway - line A "Nemocnice Motol" to the Kudrnova street? -
download here.

: n. 167 – the bus station “Kudrnova”.

Trams: n. 9, 10 and 16 – the tram station “HOTEL GOLF”
Underground: line A (“Nemocnice Motol”) or line B ("Anděl")

The lodging nearby our meeting side in Prague 5: download here

The address of the meeting side in Bratislava:
All logistic information about the meeting side in Bratislava will be sent 2 monts prior the course.


Wear loose, comfortable clothing (preferably no jeans).
It is not allowed to use your camera during our courses.
Your own voice recorder is allowed to use.

The payment options and bank details will be sent after you fill the application form: Educational center - Upcoming courses.

You payment covers your traning, the study guide, small refreshment (water/tea/fruits) during each day. WIFI is for free.

Visceral manipulation 2 - in PRAGUE Thursday 10.04.2025 Sunday 13.04.2025 20000 CZK per person

The instructor: Pierre Vey (French osteopath)

In VM2 course you will study the models and theories of functional biomechanics as viewed from Barral's innovative approach.

The course will be taken in English with Czech translation!

For other information, please, click on „Our courses“ and „Useful informations“.

Meeting side:
Prague 5 -

The price: 20.000 Czech crowns (CZK).
There are useful information for your bank transfer to abroad:
IBAN: CZ2820100000002401125460
Address of the bank:
Fio banka a.s., V Celnici 1028/10, 117 21 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Address of the bank account owner:
Helena Toušková, Na Rokytce 1114/10, 180 00 Prague 8, Czech Republic

We offer the following discounts - VM (Visceral Manipulation) courses:
* Unlimited time discount (18.000 CZK) for students who repeat VM courses.
* Time-limited discount (19.000 CZK) - for the payment of 2 VM (from VM1 up to VM4) courses in 2025.
* Time-limited discount (18.000 CZK) - for the payment of 3 VM (from VM1 up to VM4) courses in 2025.

Course fee payments will be accepted from January 2025, but you can already complete and submit the application form below! Time-limited discounts are offered for payments made no later than January 31, 2025. In the notes section of the application form, please write that you are repeating the course.

Cancellation fees for 2025:
The course fees for April classes are accepted in full until 28.2.2025. After these dates the course fee is subjected to 100% cancellation of pre-paid and ordered services. As a substitute to the each participant (in the terms of 100% cancellation) can be offered a place at the next event date according to the maximum capacity of the participants. The invoice will be sent to you by e-mail only after completing the application form below.

The organizer of the educational event may postpone the date of the educational event and take place in an alternative date (no later than 12 months from the originally scheduled date). The implementation of the course in the alternative date of performance applies to the following reasons - the state of emergency, closure of the borders of the Czech Republic and medical reasons confirmed by a doctor's certificate.

The price of the study guide is included.

The price does not include accommodation, meals and travel costs. 

Location: Prague
Capacity: 20 of 20

More about the course

In Visceral Manipulation: Abdomen 2 you will expand on the functional anatomy, hand placements and techniques you learned in Visceral Manipulation: Abdomen 1 to give you a deeper understanding of the abdominal cavity and its relationship to the cranial and thoracic cavities.

Course Highlights:
Explore the deeper structures within the abdominal cavity, focusing on the kidneys, pancreas, spleen, greater omentum, peritoneum, and their connective or suspensory tissues.
Learn about the concept of restriction planes, mobility and motility.
Begin to incorporate multiple long-lever techniques into your VM work.
Participate in supervised, hands-on sessions that guide you through specific techniques for locating and evaluating each organ, along with the effects and contraindications.

Pre-requisite Workshop(s):
Visceral Manipulation: Abdomen 1 (VM1)

Advance Preparation:
To prepare for the course we suggest that you read Visceral Manipulation II by Jean Pierre Barral and review:

Logistic information for this course

The useful information for Visceral and Neural manipulation courses in Prague and Bratislava 2024:

The PDF FLYER (the address of meeting sides, schedule etc.) you can download in English here

The place of the meeting side:

Courses will be taken in Prague and Bratislava.

The address and direction to the meeting side in Prague:
NZZ FYZIOTERAPIE, Kudrnova 95/22, 150 00 Prague 5 - Motol (

Landmarks of the rehabilitation center:
South gate to the Prague´s hospital Motol.
Bus stop "Kudrnova" - n. 167
Yellow corner house with the sign "LÉKARNA" - I. floor.

Transport to the meeting side in Prague:
The map and transport possibilities in Czech language - download here in Czech language.
How to go by walk from the subway - line A "Nemocnice Motol" to the Kudrnova street? -
download here.

: n. 167 – the bus station “Kudrnova”.

Trams: n. 9, 10 and 16 – the tram station “HOTEL GOLF”
Underground: line A (“Nemocnice Motol”) or line B ("Anděl")

The lodging nearby our meeting side in Prague 5: download here

The address of the meeting side in Bratislava:
All logistic information about the meeting side in Bratislava will be sent 2 monts prior the course.


Wear loose, comfortable clothing (preferably no jeans).
It is not allowed to use your camera during our courses.
Your own voice recorder is allowed to use.

The payment options and bank details will be sent after you fill the application form: Educational center - Upcoming courses.

You payment covers your traning, the study guide, small refreshment (water/tea/fruits) during each day. WIFI is for free.

Visceral manipulation 1 - BRATISLAVA Saturday 13.09.2025 Tuesday 16.09.2025 20000 CZK per person

The instructor: Pierre Vey (French osteopath)

In VM1 course you will study the models and theories of functional biomechanics as viewed from Barral's innovative approach.

The course will be taken in English with Czech or Slovak translation!

For other information, please, click on „Our courses“ and „Useful informations“. 

Meeting side: Bratislava, the address will be announced 2 months before the start of the class.

The price: 20.000 Czech crowns.
There are useful information for your bank transfer to abroad
IBAN: CZ2820100000002401125460
Address of the bank:
Fio banka a.s., V Celnici 1028/10, 117 21 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Address of the bank account owner:
Helena Toušková, Na Rokytce 1114/10, 180 00 Prague 8, Czech Republic

We offer the following discounts - VM (Visceral Manipulation) courses:
* Unlimited time discount (18.000 CZK) for students who repeat VM courses.
* Time-limited discount (19.000 CZK) - for the payment of 2 VM (from VM1 up to VM4) courses in 2025.
* Time-limited discount (18.000 CZK) - for the payment of 3 VM (from VM1 up to VM4) courses in 2025.

Course fee payments will be accepted from January 2025, but you can already complete and submit the application form below! Time-limited discounts are offered for payments made no later than January 31, 2025. In the notes section of the application form, please write that you are repeating the course.

Cancellation fees for 2025:
The course fees for September VM1 class are accepted in full until 30.6.2025. After these dates the course fee is subjected to 100% cancellation of pre-paid and ordered services.
 As a substitute to the each participant (in the terms of 100% cancellation) can be offered a place at the next event date according to the maximum capacity of the participants. The invoice will be sent to you by e-mail only after completing the application form below.

The organizer of the educational event may postpone the date of the educational event and take place in an alternative date (no later than 12 months from the originally scheduled date). The implementation of the course in the alternative date of performance applies to the following reasons - the state of emergency, closure of the borders of the Czech Republic and medical reasons confirmed by a doctor's certificate.

The price of the study guide is included.

The price does not include accommodation, meals and travel costs.

Location: Bratislava
Capacity: 30 of 30

More about the course

In VM1 you will study the models and theories of functional biomechanics as viewed from Barral's innovative approach.

Course Highlights:
Learn manual skills to locate, evaluate and normalize primary areas of dysfunction within the abdominal cavity. Explore the dynamics of motion and suspension in relation to organs, membranes and ligaments.
Examine the relationship of organs and structural or neuromusculoskeletal dysfunction.
Assess the quality of functional activity and somatic structures as they relate to an overall pattern.

Course Length:
4 Days

Health-care practitioners with experience with sensitive, light-touch palpation.
The other professions, please, contact us in a advance.

Required Advance Reading:
Visceral Manipulation by Jean-Pierre Barral, RPT, DO;
Atlas of Human Anatomy by Frank Netter, MD or
A Regional Atlas of the Human Body by Carmine Clemente.

For pre-study material, please, click here - a pdf format.

Logistic information for this course

The useful information for Visceral and Neural manipulation courses in Prague and Bratislava 2024:

The PDF FLYER (the address of meeting sides, schedule etc.) you can download in English here

The place of the meeting side:

Courses will be taken in Prague and Bratislava.

The address and direction to the meeting side in Prague:
NZZ FYZIOTERAPIE, Kudrnova 95/22, 150 00 Prague 5 - Motol (

Landmarks of the rehabilitation center:
South gate to the Prague´s hospital Motol.
Bus stop "Kudrnova" - n. 167
Yellow corner house with the sign "LÉKARNA" - I. floor.

Transport to the meeting side in Prague:
The map and transport possibilities in Czech language - download here in Czech language.
How to go by walk from the subway - line A "Nemocnice Motol" to the Kudrnova street? -
download here.

: n. 167 – the bus station “Kudrnova”.

Trams: n. 9, 10 and 16 – the tram station “HOTEL GOLF”
Underground: line A (“Nemocnice Motol”) or line B ("Anděl")

The lodging nearby our meeting side in Prague 5: download here

The address of the meeting side in Bratislava:
All logistic information about the meeting side in Bratislava will be sent 2 monts prior the course.


Wear loose, comfortable clothing (preferably no jeans).
It is not allowed to use your camera during our courses.
Your own voice recorder is allowed to use.

The payment options and bank details will be sent after you fill the application form: Educational center - Upcoming courses.

You payment covers your traning, the study guide, small refreshment (water/tea/fruits) during each day. WIFI is for free.

Manual articular approach 3 in PRAGUE Monday 17.11.2025 Wednesday 19.11.2025 20000 CZK

The instructor: Pierre Vey, DO (French osteopath)

Manual Articulation Course 3 (MASP) offers instruction in manual techniques for the evaluation and treatment of articulations in the pelvis region and spine.

"Articulation" refers to the joints of the body, which are critical points of interconnection between all other structures in the body. Joints receive and send "messages" to other parts of the body and are also connected to our emotions. The MASP articulation course integrates all aspects of the joint including surrounding nerves, arteries, bones, capsules and ligaments as well as visceral and emotional connections. The application of MASP's gentle manual techniques improves the body's ability to heal itself and restore itself to optimal health.

The course will be taught in English.

For other information, please, click on „Our courses“ and „Useful informations“. 

Meeting side:
Prague 5 -

The price: 20.000 Czech crowns (CZK).
There are useful information for your bank transfer to abroad:
IBAN: CZ2820100000002401125460
Address of the bank:
Fio banka a.s., V Celnici 1028/10, 117 21 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Address of the bank account owner:
Helena Toušková, Na Rokytce 1114/10, 180 00 Prague 8, Czech Republic

Course fee payments will be accepted from January 2025, but you can already complete and submit the application form below! 

Cancellation fees for 2025:
The course fees for November classes are accepted in full until 30.9.2025. After these dates the course fee is subjected to 100% cancellation of pre-paid and ordered services.
 As a substitute to the each participant (in the terms of 100% cancellation) can be offered a place at the next event date according to the maximum capacity of the participants. The invoice will be sent to you by e-mail only after completing the application form below.

The organizer of the educational event may postpone the date of the educational event and take place in an alternative date (no later than 12 months from the originally scheduled date). The implementation of the course in the alternative date of performance applies to the following reasons - the state of emergency, closure of the borders of the Czech Republic and medical reasons confirmed by a doctor's certificate.

The price of the study guide is included.

The price does not include accommodation, meals and travel costs.

Location: Prague
Capacity: 18 of 18

More about the course

The useful information for Visceral and Neural manipulation courses in Prague and Bratislava 2024:

The PDF FLYER (the address of meeting sides, schedule etc.) you can download in English here

The place of the meeting side:

Courses will be taken in Prague and Bratislava.

The address and direction to the meeting side in Prague:
NZZ FYZIOTERAPIE, Kudrnova 95/22, 150 00 Prague 5 - Motol (

Landmarks of the rehabilitation center:
South gate to the Prague´s hospital Motol.
Bus stop "Kudrnova" - n. 167
Yellow corner house with the sign "LÉKARNA" - I. floor.

Transport to the meeting side in Prague:
The map and transport possibilities in Czech language - download here in Czech language.
How to go by walk from the subway - line A "Nemocnice Motol" to the Kudrnova street? -
download here.

: n. 167 – the bus station “Kudrnova”.

Trams: n. 9, 10 and 16 – the tram station “HOTEL GOLF”
Underground: line A (“Nemocnice Motol”) or line B ("Anděl")

The lodging nearby our meeting side in Prague 5: download here

The address of the meeting side in Bratislava:
All logistic information about the meeting side in Bratislava will be sent 2 monts prior the course.


Wear loose, comfortable clothing (preferably no jeans).
It is not allowed to use your camera during our courses.
Your own voice recorder is allowed to use.

The payment options and bank details will be sent after you fill the application form: Educational center - Upcoming courses.

You payment covers your traning, the study guide, small refreshment (water/tea/fruits) during each day. WIFI is for free.

Logistic information for this course

The useful information for Visceral and Neural manipulation courses in Prague and Bratislava 2024:

The PDF FLYER (the address of meeting sides, schedule etc.) you can download in English here

The place of the meeting side:

Courses will be taken in Prague and Bratislava.

The address and direction to the meeting side in Prague:
NZZ FYZIOTERAPIE, Kudrnova 95/22, 150 00 Prague 5 - Motol (

Landmarks of the rehabilitation center:
South gate to the Prague´s hospital Motol.
Bus stop "Kudrnova" - n. 167
Yellow corner house with the sign "LÉKARNA" - I. floor.

Transport to the meeting side in Prague:
The map and transport possibilities in Czech language - download here in Czech language.
How to go by walk from the subway - line A "Nemocnice Motol" to the Kudrnova street? -
download here.

: n. 167 – the bus station “Kudrnova”.

Trams: n. 9, 10 and 16 – the tram station “HOTEL GOLF”
Underground: line A (“Nemocnice Motol”) or line B ("Anděl")

The lodging nearby our meeting side in Prague 5: download here

The address of the meeting side in Bratislava:
All logistic information about the meeting side in Bratislava will be sent 2 monts prior the course.


Wear loose, comfortable clothing (preferably no jeans).
It is not allowed to use your camera during our courses.
Your own voice recorder is allowed to use.

The payment options and bank details will be sent after you fill the application form: Educational center - Upcoming courses.

You payment covers your traning, the study guide, small refreshment (water/tea/fruits) during each day. WIFI is for free.

Visceral manipulation 4 - in PRAGUE Friday 21.11.2025 Monday 24.11.2025 20000 CZK per person

The instructor: Pierre Vey, DO (French osteopath)

In VM4 course you will study the models and theories of functional biomechanics as viewed from Barral's innovative approach.

The course will be taken in English with Czech translation!

For other information, please, click on „Our courses“ and „Useful informations“.

Meeting side: Prague 5 -

The price: 20.000 Czech crowns (CZK).
There are useful information for your bank transfer to abroad:
IBAN: CZ2820100000002401125460
Address of the bank:
Fio banka a.s., V Celnici 1028/10, 117 21 Prague 1, Czech Republic
The name and address of the bank account owner:
Helena Toušková, Na Rokytce 1114/10, 180 00 Prague 8, Czech Republic

We offer the following discounts - VM (Visceral Manipulation) courses:
* Unlimited time discount (18.000 CZK) for students who repeat VM courses.
* Time-limited discount (19.000 CZK) - for the payment of 2 VM (from VM1 up to VM4) courses in 2025.
* Time-limited discount (18.000 CZK) - for the payment of 3 VM (from VM1 up to VM4) courses in 2025.

Course fee payments will be accepted from January 2025, but you can already complete and submit the application form below! Time-limited discounts are offered for payments made no later than January 31, 2025. In the notes section of the application form, please write that you are repeating the course.

Cancellation fees for 2025:
The course fees for November classes are accepted in full until 30.9.2025. After these dates the course fee is subjected to 100% cancellation of pre-paid and ordered services.
 As a substitute to the each participant (in the terms of 100% cancellation) can be offered a place at the next event date according to the maximum capacity of the participants. The invoice will be sent to you by e-mail only after completing the application form below.

The organizer of the educational event may postpone the date of the educational event and take place in an alternative date (no later than 12 months from the originally scheduled date). The implementation of the course in the alternative date of performance applies to the following reasons - the state of emergency, closure of the borders of the Czech Republic and medical reasons confirmed by a doctor's certificate.

The price of the study guide is included. 

The price does not include accommodation, meals and travel costs.

Location: Prague
Capacity: 16 of 16

More about the course

After taking Visceral Manipulation: Abdomen 1 and 2, you've become acquainted with the feel of the different abdominal organs and local restrictions. In the Thorax workshop, you'll take an expanded look at the functional biomechanics of the thoracic cavity. You'll also explore the relationship between the hard frame and soft frame with its countless articulations for respiration, circulatory requirements and upper body movement patterns.

Course Highlights:
Explore visceral fascia of the throat and thoracic cavity.
Review the anatomy, biomechanics and function of the thoracic organs.
Study the biomechanics of the cervical, thoracic, rib cage and shoulder girdle complex.
Learn techniques to release the soft tissue components of the thoracic inlet and hyoid apparatus.
Practice listening techniques within the thoracic activity.
Understand practical integration of the thoracic cavity organs.
Learn integration of the thoracic organs with the complex ligament systems of that body region.
Discover techniques for differentiating between somatic and visceral causes for thoracic and spinal problems.
Special Focus on Pleura, Lungs, Pericardium, Heart, Mediastinum, Thyroid, Trachea, Esophagus, Sternum, Rib Cage and Thoracic Plexuses.

Pre-requisite Workshop(s):
Visceral Manipulation: The Pelvis (VM3)

Advance Preparation:
To prepare for the course we suggest that you read The Thorax by Jean Pierre Barral and review:

Logistic information for this course

The useful information for Visceral and Neural manipulation courses in Prague and Bratislava 2024:

The PDF FLYER (the address of meeting sides, schedule etc.) you can download in English here

The place of the meeting side:

Courses will be taken in Prague and Bratislava.

The address and direction to the meeting side in Prague:
NZZ FYZIOTERAPIE, Kudrnova 95/22, 150 00 Prague 5 - Motol (

Landmarks of the rehabilitation center:
South gate to the Prague´s hospital Motol.
Bus stop "Kudrnova" - n. 167
Yellow corner house with the sign "LÉKARNA" - I. floor.

Transport to the meeting side in Prague:
The map and transport possibilities in Czech language - download here in Czech language.
How to go by walk from the subway - line A "Nemocnice Motol" to the Kudrnova street? -
download here.

: n. 167 – the bus station “Kudrnova”.

Trams: n. 9, 10 and 16 – the tram station “HOTEL GOLF”
Underground: line A (“Nemocnice Motol”) or line B ("Anděl")

The lodging nearby our meeting side in Prague 5: download here

The address of the meeting side in Bratislava:
All logistic information about the meeting side in Bratislava will be sent 2 monts prior the course.


Wear loose, comfortable clothing (preferably no jeans).
It is not allowed to use your camera during our courses.
Your own voice recorder is allowed to use.

The payment options and bank details will be sent after you fill the application form: Educational center - Upcoming courses.

You payment covers your traning, the study guide, small refreshment (water/tea/fruits) during each day. WIFI is for free.

Advanced VM4 - NECK/THORAX in PRAGUE Tuesday 25.11.2025 Thursday 27.11.2025 20000 CZK per person

The instructor: Pierre Vey (French osteopath)

In this course, participants learn advanced Visceral Manipulation techniques for organs in the neck and thoracic cavity.

The course will be taken in English with Czech translation!

For other information, please, click on „Our courses“ and „Useful informations“. 

Meeting side:
Prague 5 -

The price: 20.000 Czech crowns (CZK).
There are useful information for your bank transfer to abroad:
IBAN: CZ2820100000002401125460
Address of the bank:
Fio banka a.s., V Celnici 1028/10, 117 21 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Address of the bank account owner:
Helena Toušková, Na Rokytce 1114/10, 180 00 Prague 8, Czech Republic

Course fee payments will be accepted from January 2025, but you can already complete and submit the application form below! 

Cancellation fees for 2025:
The course fees for November classes are accepted in full until 30.9.2025. After these dates the course fee is subjected to 100% cancellation of pre-paid and ordered services.
 As a substitute to the each participant (in the terms of 100% cancellation) can be offered a place at the next event date according to the maximum capacity of the participants. The invoice will be sent to you by e-mail only after completing the application form below.

The organizer of the educational event may postpone the date of the educational event and take place in an alternative date (no later than 12 months from the originally scheduled date). The implementation of the course in the alternative date of performance applies to the following reasons - the state of emergency, closure of the borders of the Czech Republic and medical reasons confirmed by a doctor's certificate.

The price of the study guide is included.

The price does not include accommodation, meals and travel costs.

Location: Prague
Capacity: 16 of 16

More about the course

Prerequisite: VM4

Advanced Visceral Components of the Neck and Thorax (VMAT)

The workshop delves deeper into the anatomy, breathing mechanism, function and physiology of the thorax. Precise advanced techniques will be taught.
Course Highlights

  • Build on the knowledge of the thorax region as learned in VM4.
  • Review the myofascial structures of the thorax.
  • Explore the functionality of the hyoid suspensory apparatus, thyroid, tonsils and pharynx.
  • Learn more precise techniques for the esophagus, pleura, heart and pericardium.
  • Classify retropharangeal space.
  • Discover treatment techniques to enhance the breathing mechanism.

A flyer about a workshop schedule - download here.

Logistic information for this course

The useful information for Visceral and Neural manipulation courses in Prague and Bratislava 2024:

The PDF FLYER (the address of meeting sides, schedule etc.) you can download in English here

The place of the meeting side:

Courses will be taken in Prague and Bratislava.

The address and direction to the meeting side in Prague:
NZZ FYZIOTERAPIE, Kudrnova 95/22, 150 00 Prague 5 - Motol (

Landmarks of the rehabilitation center:
South gate to the Prague´s hospital Motol.
Bus stop "Kudrnova" - n. 167
Yellow corner house with the sign "LÉKARNA" - I. floor.

Transport to the meeting side in Prague:
The map and transport possibilities in Czech language - download here in Czech language.
How to go by walk from the subway - line A "Nemocnice Motol" to the Kudrnova street? -
download here.

: n. 167 – the bus station “Kudrnova”.

Trams: n. 9, 10 and 16 – the tram station “HOTEL GOLF”
Underground: line A (“Nemocnice Motol”) or line B ("Anděl")

The lodging nearby our meeting side in Prague 5: download here

The address of the meeting side in Bratislava:
All logistic information about the meeting side in Bratislava will be sent 2 monts prior the course.


Wear loose, comfortable clothing (preferably no jeans).
It is not allowed to use your camera during our courses.
Your own voice recorder is allowed to use.

The payment options and bank details will be sent after you fill the application form: Educational center - Upcoming courses.

You payment covers your traning, the study guide, small refreshment (water/tea/fruits) during each day. WIFI is for free.

Neural manipulation 1 - in PRAGUE Friday 10.04.2026 Sunday 12.04.2026 18000 CZK per person

The instructor: Pierre Vey, DO (French osteopath) 

NM1 is specialized course focusing on the impact of whiplash.

The course will be taken in English with Czech translation!

For other information, please, click on „Our courses“ and „Useful informations“.

Meeting side: Prague 5 -

The price: 18.000 Czech crowns (CZK).
There are useful information for your bank transfer to abroad:
IBAN: CZ2820100000002401125460
Address of the bank:
Fio banka a.s., V Celnici 1028/10, 117 21 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Address of the bank account owner:
Helena Toušková, Na Rokytce 1114/10, 180 00 Prague 8, Czech Republic

We offer the following discounts - NM (Neural Manipulation) courses:
* Unlimited time discount (17.000 CZK) for students who repeat NM courses.
* Time-limited discount (17.000 CZK) - for the payment of 2 NM courses in 2026.
* Time-limited discount (16.000 CZK) - for the payment of 3 NM courses in 2026.
* Time-limited discount (15.000 CZK) - for the payment of 4 NM courses in 2026.

Course fee payments will be accepted from January 2026, but you can already complete and submit the application form below! Time-limited discounts are offered for payments made no later than January 31, 2026. In the notes section of the application form, please write that you are repeating the course.

Cancellation fees for 2026:
The course fees for April classes are accepted in full until 28.2.2026. After these dates the course fee is subjected to 100% cancellation of pre-paid and ordered services.
As a substitute to the each participant (in the terms of 100% cancellation) can be offered a place at the next event date according to the maximum capacity of the participants. The invoice will be sent to you by e-mail only after completing the application form below.

The organizer of the educational event may postpone the date of the educational event and take place in an alternative date (no later than 12 months from the originally scheduled date). The implementation of the course in the alternative date of performance applies to the following reasons - the state of emergency, closure of the borders of the Czech Republic and medical reasons confirmed by a doctor's certificate.

The price of the study guide is included.

The price does not include accommodation, meals and travel costs.

Location: Prague
Capacity: 16 of 16

More about the course

Neural Manipulation: Whiplash and the therapy of a neuromeningeal system (NM1)

NM1 is a specialized course focusing on the impact of trauma and whiplash.

Course Highlights:

  • Study the three primary areas of trauma as they relate to whiplash: physical laws, evaluation and treatment.
  • Learn the appropriate anatomy and physiology for treatment of whiplash and trauma conditions.
  • Learn to locate and release restrictions along the meningeal system.
  • Assess injuries to the soft tissues of the cervical region and learn treatment protocols for optimal release.
  • Learn tests to determine restriction patterns of the cervicobrachial region.
  • Understand how whiplash creates restriction patterns throughout the body.
  • Identify techniques that encompass the whole body, as the whole body receives collision forces in a whiplash injury, not just the cervical spine.
  • Learn to evaluate restrictions in the lumbosacral region.
  • Discover new applications of visceral manipulation principles and techniques as they can be utilized for patients presenting whiplash and other conditions involving trauma.
  • Compare treatment sequence and tests for whiplash and traumatic injuries.


Required Advance Reading:

Trauma, an osteopathic approach by Jean-Pierre Barral, RPT, DO; and Alain Croibier, D.O.

Logistic information for this course

The useful information for Visceral and Neural manipulation courses in Prague and Bratislava 2024:

The PDF FLYER (the address of meeting sides, schedule etc.) you can download in English here

The place of the meeting side:

Courses will be taken in Prague and Bratislava.

The address and direction to the meeting side in Prague:
NZZ FYZIOTERAPIE, Kudrnova 95/22, 150 00 Prague 5 - Motol (

Landmarks of the rehabilitation center:
South gate to the Prague´s hospital Motol.
Bus stop "Kudrnova" - n. 167
Yellow corner house with the sign "LÉKARNA" - I. floor.

Transport to the meeting side in Prague:
The map and transport possibilities in Czech language - download here in Czech language.
How to go by walk from the subway - line A "Nemocnice Motol" to the Kudrnova street? -
download here.

: n. 167 – the bus station “Kudrnova”.

Trams: n. 9, 10 and 16 – the tram station “HOTEL GOLF”
Underground: line A (“Nemocnice Motol”) or line B ("Anděl")

The lodging nearby our meeting side in Prague 5: download here

The address of the meeting side in Bratislava:
All logistic information about the meeting side in Bratislava will be sent 2 monts prior the course.


Wear loose, comfortable clothing (preferably no jeans).
It is not allowed to use your camera during our courses.
Your own voice recorder is allowed to use.

The payment options and bank details will be sent after you fill the application form: Educational center - Upcoming courses.

You payment covers your traning, the study guide, small refreshment (water/tea/fruits) during each day. WIFI is for free.

Neural manipulation 2 - in PRAGUE Tuesday 14.04.2026 Thursday 16.04.2026 18000 CZK per person

The instructor: Pierre Vey, DO (French osteopath)

NM2 is specialized course focusing on the peripheral nervous system of upper limbs.

The course will be taken in English with Czech translation!

For other information, please, click on „Our courses“ and „Useful informations“.

Meeting side: Prague 5 -

The price: 18.000 Czech crowns (CZK).
There are useful information for your bank transfer to abroad:
IBAN: CZ2820100000002401125460
Address of the bank:
Fio banka a.s., V Celnici 1028/10, 117 21 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Address of the bank account owner:
Helena Toušková, Na Rokytce 1114/10, 180 00 Prague 8, Czech Republic

We offer the following discounts - NM (Neural Manipulation) courses:
* Unlimited time discount (17.000 CZK) for students who repeat NM courses.
* Time-limited discount (17.000 CZK) - for the payment of 2 NM courses in 2026.
* Time-limited discount (16.000 CZK) - for the payment of 3 NM courses in 2026.
* Time-limited discount (15.000 CZK) - for the payment of 4 NM courses in 2026.

Course fee payments will be accepted from January 2026, but you can already complete and submit the application form below! Time-limited discounts are offered for payments made no later than January 31, 2026. In the notes section of the application form, please write that you are repeating the course.

Cancellation fees for 2026:
The course fees for April classes are accepted in full until 28.2.2026. After these dates the course fee is subjected to 100% cancellation of pre-paid and ordered services. As a substitute to the each participant (in the terms of 100% cancellation) can be offered a place at the next event date according to the maximum capacity of the participants. The invoice will be sent to you by e-mail only after completing the application form below.

The organizer of the educational event may postpone the date of the educational event and take place in an alternative date (no later than 12 months from the originally scheduled date). The implementation of the course in the alternative date of performance applies to the following reasons - the state of emergency, closure of the borders of the Czech Republic and medical reasons confirmed by a doctor's certificate.

The price of the study guide is included.

The price does not include accommodation, meals and travel costs.

Location: Prague
Capacity: 16 of 16

More about the course

Neural Manipulation: Peripheral Nerve Manipulation; Upper Body (NM2)

Synopsis: This course explores evaluation and treatment techniques for peripheral nerves of the upper body.

Course Highlights:

  • Explore in detail the anatomy and function of the peripheral nerves of the upper body.
  • Discover typical pain patterns that arise from dysfunction of these peripheral nerves.
  • Learn evaluation methods and treatment techniques to facilitate normal functioning of these peripheral nerves.
  • Discover various methods for releasing restrictions in nerves.
  • Explore practical integration into treatment sessions.

Neural Manipulation: Neuromeningeal Manipulation (NM1) or Visceral Approach to Trauma and Whiplash (VTW).

Required Advance Reading:

Manual Therapy for Peripheral Nerves by Jean-Pierre Barral, RPT, DO; and Alain Croibier, D.O.

Logistic information for this course

The useful information for Visceral and Neural manipulation courses in Prague and Bratislava 2024:

The PDF FLYER (the address of meeting sides, schedule etc.) you can download in English here

The place of the meeting side:

Courses will be taken in Prague and Bratislava.

The address and direction to the meeting side in Prague:
NZZ FYZIOTERAPIE, Kudrnova 95/22, 150 00 Prague 5 - Motol (

Landmarks of the rehabilitation center:
South gate to the Prague´s hospital Motol.
Bus stop "Kudrnova" - n. 167
Yellow corner house with the sign "LÉKARNA" - I. floor.

Transport to the meeting side in Prague:
The map and transport possibilities in Czech language - download here in Czech language.
How to go by walk from the subway - line A "Nemocnice Motol" to the Kudrnova street? -
download here.

: n. 167 – the bus station “Kudrnova”.

Trams: n. 9, 10 and 16 – the tram station “HOTEL GOLF”
Underground: line A (“Nemocnice Motol”) or line B ("Anděl")

The lodging nearby our meeting side in Prague 5: download here

The address of the meeting side in Bratislava:
All logistic information about the meeting side in Bratislava will be sent 2 monts prior the course.


Wear loose, comfortable clothing (preferably no jeans).
It is not allowed to use your camera during our courses.
Your own voice recorder is allowed to use.

The payment options and bank details will be sent after you fill the application form: Educational center - Upcoming courses.

You payment covers your traning, the study guide, small refreshment (water/tea/fruits) during each day. WIFI is for free.

Neural manipulation 3 - in PRAGUE Monday 16.11.2026 Wednesday 18.11.2026 18000 CZK per person

The instructor: Pierre Vey, DO (French osteopath)

NM3 is specialized course focusing on the peripheral nervous system of lower limbs.

The course will be taken in English with Czech translation!

For other information, please, click on „Our courses“ and „Useful informations“.

Meeting side: Prague 5 -

The price: 18.000 Czech crowns.
There are useful information for your bank transfer to abroad:
IBAN: CZ2820100000002401125460
Address of the bank:
Fio banka a.s., V Celnici 1028/10, 117 21 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Address of the bank account owner:
Helena Toušková, Na Rokytce 1114/10, 180 00 Prague 8, Czech Republic

We offer the following discounts - NM (Neural Manipulation) courses:
* Unlimited time discount (17.000 CZK) for students who repeat NM courses.
* Time-limited discount (17.000 CZK) - for the payment of 2 NM courses in 2026.
* Time-limited discount (16.000 CZK) - for the payment of 3 NM courses in 2026.
* Time-limited discount (15.000 CZK) - for the payment of 4 NM courses in 2026.

Course fee payments will be accepted from January 2026, but you can already complete and submit the application form below! Time-limited discounts are offered for payments made no later than January 31, 2026. In the notes section of the application form, please write that you are repeating the course.

Cancellation fees for 2026:
The course fees for November classes are accepted in full until 30.9.2026. After these dates the course fee is subjected to 100% cancellation of pre-paid and ordered services.
 As a substitute to the each participant (in the terms of 100% cancellation) can be offered a place at the next event date according to the maximum capacity of the participants. The invoice will be sent to you by e-mail only after completing the application form below.

The organizer of the educational event may postpone the date of the educational event and take place in an alternative date (no later than 12 months from the originally scheduled date). The implementation of the course in the alternative date of performance applies to the following reasons - the state of emergency, closure of the borders of the Czech Republic and medical reasons confirmed by a doctor's certificate.

The price of the study guide is included.

The price does not include accommodation, meals and travel costs.

Location: Prague
Capacity: 16 of 16

More about the course

Neural Manipulation: Peripheral Nerve Manipulation; Lower Body (NM3)

Synopsis: This course explores evaluation and treatment techniques for peripheral nerves of the lower body.

Course Highlights:

  • Explore in detail the anatomy and function of the peripheral nerves of the lower body.
  • Discover typical pain patterns that arise from dysfunction of these peripheral nerves.
  • Learn evaluation methods and treatment techniques to facilitate normal functioning of these peripheral nerves.
  • Discover various methods for releasing restrictions in nerves.
  • Explore practical integration into treatment sessions.

Neural Manipulation: Neuromeningeal Manipulation (NM1) or Visceral Approach to Trauma and Whiplash (VTW).

Required Advance Reading:

Manual Therapy for Peripheral Nerves by Jean-Pierre Barral, RPT, DO; and Alain Croibier, D.O.

Logistic information for this course

The useful information for Visceral and Neural manipulation courses in Prague and Bratislava 2024:

The PDF FLYER (the address of meeting sides, schedule etc.) you can download in English here

The place of the meeting side:

Courses will be taken in Prague and Bratislava.

The address and direction to the meeting side in Prague:
NZZ FYZIOTERAPIE, Kudrnova 95/22, 150 00 Prague 5 - Motol (

Landmarks of the rehabilitation center:
South gate to the Prague´s hospital Motol.
Bus stop "Kudrnova" - n. 167
Yellow corner house with the sign "LÉKARNA" - I. floor.

Transport to the meeting side in Prague:
The map and transport possibilities in Czech language - download here in Czech language.
How to go by walk from the subway - line A "Nemocnice Motol" to the Kudrnova street? -
download here.

: n. 167 – the bus station “Kudrnova”.

Trams: n. 9, 10 and 16 – the tram station “HOTEL GOLF”
Underground: line A (“Nemocnice Motol”) or line B ("Anděl")

The lodging nearby our meeting side in Prague 5: download here

The address of the meeting side in Bratislava:
All logistic information about the meeting side in Bratislava will be sent 2 monts prior the course.


Wear loose, comfortable clothing (preferably no jeans).
It is not allowed to use your camera during our courses.
Your own voice recorder is allowed to use.

The payment options and bank details will be sent after you fill the application form: Educational center - Upcoming courses.

You payment covers your traning, the study guide, small refreshment (water/tea/fruits) during each day. WIFI is for free.

Page 1 of 2


Find a Practitioner


Upcoming courses

Visceral manipulation 3 - in PRAGUE

From 14. 11. 2024
To 17. 11. 2024

Aktuální kurzy

Current courses

WEBINAR VM and NM manipulation
Barral Institute Study Group (SG)
Visceral manipulation 1 - in PRAGUE
Visceral manipulation 1 - BRATISLAVAVisceral manipulation 2 - in PRAGUE
Visceral manipulation 2 - BRATISLAVA
Visceral manipulation 3 - in PRAGUEVisceral manipulation 4 - in PRAGUEAdvanced VM4 - NECK/THORAX in PRAGUE
Visceral Manipulation 5/6 in Prague
Listening 1 course - in PRAGUE
Pediatrics VM 1 in Prague      
Neural manipulation 1 - in PRAGUENeural manipulation 2 - in PRAGUENeural manipulation 3 - in PRAGUENeural manipulation 4 in PRAGUE
Viscerovascular class 1 in PRAGUE
Viscerovascular 2 in PRAGUE
Manual articular approach 1 in PRAGUE
Manual articular approach 2 in PRAGUE
Manual articular approach 3 in PRAGUE

Mgr. Helena Toušková

Kudrnova 95/22 Phone: +420 604 761 454
150 00 Prague 5 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

ID: 70097330 - A person registered in the Trade Register on 20 August, 2001

Web vytvořil Lukáš Rolínek